

Bou­le­vard — On Trespas­sing and Cul­tu­re is published every six month.

The retail pri­ce is € 9,80*.
*plus ship­ping (€ 2,00 in Ger­ma­ny, € 4,00 inter­na­tio­nal).

Bou­le­vard is also avail­ab­le as a sub­scrip­ti­on.
The pri­ce for an annu­al sub­scrip­ti­on is € 19,60*.
*plus ship­ping (natio­nal € 4,00, inter­na­tio­nal € 8,00).

The mini­mum dura­ti­on of a sub­scrip­ti­on is 12 mon­ths. If the sub­scrip­ti­on is not can­cel­led 4 weeks befo­re the end of the con­tract peri­od, the sub­scrip­ti­on is auto­ma­ti­cal­ly exten­ded by 12 mon­ths..


mes­sa­ge (max. 800 text cha­rac­ter)
* requi­red fields