About us


Bou­le­vard — On Trespas­sing and Cul­tu­re is an inter­na­tio­nal, art maga­zi­ne that depic­ts the cur­rent and past dis­cour­se in street and urban art. The for­mat sees its­elf as a sup­ple­ment to exis­ting maga­zi­nes and publi­ca­ti­ons in order to make the con­tents avail­ab­le to a lar­ger audi­ence bey­ond the respec­tive natio­nal bor­ders. Topics struc­tu­re the indi­vi­du­al issu­es and pro­vi­de con­text. The focus is on theo­ry, pho­to­gra­phy, artists’ por­traits, cur­rent reviews and news. Bou­le­vard is published every six month.

The web­site will also be updated every six mon­ths fol­lo­wing the print edi­ti­on. A mon­th­ly news­let­ter keeps sub­scri­bers and inte­rested readers up to date. Face­book and Insta­gram are used in advan­ce of and par­al­lel to our events and for active main­ten­an­ce of the net­work.

The print edi­ti­ons are accom­pa­nied by a con­fe­rence or a work­shop.

Transgression Workshop

The work­shop ser­ves to expe­ri­ment with alter­na­ti­ve dis­cour­se and pre­sen­ta­ti­on for­mats.

The first Trans­gres­si­on Work­shop will take place in Sep­tem­ber 2019, on the Cam­pus Attis­holz as part of the KR19, tit­led “Inter­pre­ta­ti­ons of Zero”.

Transgression Conference

The first Trans­gres­si­on Con­fe­rence will take place in Frank­furt am Main in spring 2020.


Dr. phil. Harald Hinz
is an art his­to­ri­an. One field of inves­ti­ga­ti­on is graf­fi­ti, espe­ci­al­ly its histo­ry and the world­wi­de trans­fer of New York wri­ting. In gene­ral, he deals with new and unknown forms of unaut­ho­ri­zed art in public space.

Robert Kal­ten­häu­ser
is a free­lan­ce aut­hor, cri­tic, con­sul­tant and cura­tor spe­cia­li­zing in alter­na­ti­ve forms of unaut­ho­ri­zed pain­ting in public spaces. He is also edi­tor of Zugriff — Publi­ca­ti­ons on Visu­al Dis­obe­dience and initia­tor of the Muse­um of Visu­al Dis­si­dence pro­ject.

Marketing and Sales

David Hop­pe
has been with us sin­ce the begin­ning of the year. He is a gra­dua­ted thea­t­re pedago­gue and publishes his first children’s book this year. He has worked for over 10 years in the mar­ke­ting and sales depart­ment.


Tho­mas Lau­ter­berg
deve­lo­ped and imple­men­ted exhi­bi­ti­on con­cepts for an artist agen­cy with a focus on graf­fi­ti in the mid-nine­ties. Sin­ce 2015 he has been active in the deve­lo­pe­ment and imple­men­ta­ti­on of the Urban Art pro­ject Cam­pus Attis­holz.