Kommende Ausgabe

Ausgabe No. 1

Die ers­te Aus­ga­be Bou­le­vard — On Trespas­sing and Cul­tu­re ist erschie­nen.


Kur­ze Mel­dun­gen, Ter­mi­ne und Ver­an­stal­tun­gen.


    1. Street Art. All­an Schwart­z­man
    2. Aes­the­tic Pover­ty and Ego­ma­nia. Oli­ver Kuh­nert
    3. 2000 Years of Graf­fi­ti or Each Age has the Walls it deser­ves. Det­lef Hoff­mann
    4. Graf­fi­ti as Sport. Moritz Klein
    5. In the Begin­ning the­re was the Word. James Wal­m­es­ley
    6. Some Kind (of) Stran­ger. Ano­t­her One
    7. What is Graf­fi­ti? An Attempt at a Phi­lo­so­phi­cal Defi­ni­ti­on. Ralf Beu­than
    8. Urban Graf­fi­ti as Ter­ri­to­ri­al Mar­kers. David Ley and Roman Cybriw­sky


    1. Tony Klick­lack — Graffiti´s not Dead
    2. Gen Atem / Miri­am Bos­sard — Form is Emp­ti­ness
    3. Aris und Tos­ka — But you don´t see Me.
    4. Moses & Taps und Edward Nigh­tin­ga­le — 18/1